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New insights Claire has been more insightful than anyone else I have seen and I believe that her guidance is making a positive difference in my life.
Very reliable, supportive, and sharply intuitive. The quality of my life has been so much improved by this counselor.
Outstanding Service I found Claire Houston’s services to be outstanding. When I first sought counseling with Claire Houston, I was depressed, angry and anxious. I had PTSD symptoms that not only plagued me, but also affected my relationships. Within the first counseling session, Claire helped me to set up goals. And what had really impressed me about Claire, was that she actually worked with me on these goals. I have been in counseling before and unfortunately even though goals were set up, reaching them never seem to be a priority. The therapists were very personable and always encouraged me to talk, but that was about all we ever did. And years later I found myself not much better off, than the day that I had stepped into their office. This was so not the case with Claire Houston. I guess I would be considered a success story. I’m a professional who works full time, travels, laughs a lot and has a loving family. I honestly enjoy life and try to live it to its fullest. I am extremely grateful to Claire Houston and have recommended her services to other people. My husband and I both marvel at how things that used to send me into orbit, now, hardly even register on my anxiety scale. And that, let me tell you, is not only a miraculous transformation for me it’s a freedom that I can't even put a price tag on. For that alone, I am indebted to Claire. She is a professional that truly cares about her clients, and I am so, very, very grateful for that. Am I in counseling now? No, I stopped a few years ago and have not felt the need to return. Thank you, Claire Houston for everything.